Louise's ear candles are the best

Louise's ear candles are the best I have ever used since first starting candling in my practice in Australia in 1998. Thank you Louise for a great product.

These are brilliant, I have used them with the elderly

These are brilliant, I have used them with the elderly & one woman could hear better in her ear instantly.

  • Lynette Lee
  • Invercargill, New Zealand

I have candled my grand children's ears since they were little

This practice should be more widely advertised. I have candled my grand children's ears since they were little littlies and always had great results.

  • Rita Gregory

South Island Stockists

Ecowarehouse online store

Marshall’s Health online store

Christchurch & Mid/North Canterbury:

South Canterbury:



West Coast:

  • Ark of Zen, Rachel Silcock, Ear Candling Therapist, Reefton Ph 021 056 6186;
  • Cowper Street Clinic, 71 Cowper St, Greymouth. 


Nelson & Surrounds: